This is the content from a complete 9-week undergrad course that I taught between January and April this year. I hope it’s useful to some other Shiva developers!
WEEK 1 – intro, IDE, API overview
Lecture 1 – Introduction
Lab 1 – Setup Shiva + Mars Rotator
Mars model (Collada .dae and .jpg) (for use in lab session 1)
WEEK 2 – key game entities, automatic flow of control, AIs, keyboard, accelerometer
Lectures 2&3 – Concepts, the Shiva SDK etc.
Lab 2 – Mars and its moons!
Phobos/Deimos models (Collada .dae and .jpg) and skyboxes (.jpg) (for use in lab session 2)
WEEK 3 – programmed flow of control, messages, key game entities, data handling
Lectures 2&3 – Added to since last week!
Lab 3 – Mars with collidable asteroids
Asteroid model (Collada .dae and .jpg) (for use in lab session 3)
WEEK 4 – physics, direct movement, the camera
Lecture 4 – physics, movement, camera
Labwork: start on your game projects; complete lab 3 if you haven’t done so yet.
WEEK 5 – HUDs, runtime object management, coordinate systems, vectors and angles, ray casting, the math object
Sample solution to lab 3 (Mars with Moons and Asteroids)
Lecture 5 – HUDs, raycasting, runtime object management
WEEK 6 – sensors & colliders, tables, hash tables, xml, game deployment
Lecture 6 notes
WEEK 7/8 – particle emitters, multiplayer, multitouch, efficiency, Shiva script and OpenGLES, materials & lighting, pathfinding
Lecture 7/8 notes
Demo Games that we will be discussing in class:
The Shiva webplayer plugin will automatically install..
[Afterburn 2150]
[Mars Defender]
[Block Rockin]