I finally got around to implementing bullethole decals that are blended into the vehicle skins in Darkwind whenever they are hit.
The code is just a slight rework of that already used for custom decals; the major thing holding me up on this one was the problem of how to know where in the vehicle’s texture they should be blended. I have been in possession of some experimental ‘3D world to texture co-ordinate’ code since being given it by a developer on Garage Games a few years ago, but never got around to delving into it.
What I ended up doing was much simpler: place the decals into a random position within the region assigned to the vehicle facing (front, rear, left, right, top, bottom) that took the hit. As always, there were several players very generously offering to help out with the legwork of definining the pixel co-ordinates of these facings in the skins of each chassis type. Thanks to Tinker and FireFly who came up with the goods