Psychic Software
Based in Galway, Ireland
Release date:
12 February, 2015
Regular Price:
USD | $5.99 |
Musclecar Online is a massively multiplayer online indie top-down racing game, where you race against the ghost recordings of your friends and players around the world. All of the racetracks are designed by our players, using the in-built track designer. Every day we race on a new player-designed track, as voted for by the community.
The seeds of an idea for Musclecar Online came from a number of casual multiplayer endless runner games on the appstores - having a brand new track each day and facing off asynchronously against thousands of other people seemed like a great idea. What we layered onto this was super-fun top-down arcade racing physics, and an easy-to-use track designer which means that each daily track is player-created and voted in by the community.
- Retro top-down racing with super-fun driving physics
- Compete every day on a brand new track-of-the-day
- Track designer (like Trackmania)
- Asynchronous 'ghost' racing means that you don't have to be online at the same time as your friends to pwn them!
- Daily and monthly rankings
- Social features and friend lists
Musclecar Online Trailer #1 YouTube
Musclecar Online Trailer #2 YouTube
Logo & Icon
There are currently no logos or icons available for Musclecar Online. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!
Additional Links
About Psychic Software
Psychic Software is Sam Redfern and various collaborators, and has been making indie games since the mid-1990s, ranging from a turn-based postapocalyptic MMO of vehicular combat (which has been running online since Jan 2006) to Amiga wargames, to casual iPhone games, and lots of other things in between! As a university academic (with a PhD in computer science), Sam has also published some interesting articles on games A.I. for combat and racing games.
More information
More information on Psychic Software, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Musclecar Online Credits
Sam Redfern
Game Design and Programming
Geo-Metricks, Electric Shed
3D Art
John Oxley, Michael Mueller, Anthony Waddington
2D Art
Aleksandar Dimitrijevic
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks